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Monday, May 31, 2010

Most of them are Here.

Most of the players have arrived here in Harrisonburg.  Traveling by air and traveling by car.  The cars came from Boston, St. Louis and Greenville, SC.  Another car, was arriving tonight from Louisiana.  They are here save and sound.  Now, is the wait for the rest of the players to arrive.  They have been temporarily delayed by post season play.  These teams, Georgia Tech, Auburn, Arizona, and Oklahoma City,  (I think I got them all.), will arrive after they finish their post season games.  You really wish the best for these teams and their players, but at the same time, we wish they were here.  Such is the struggle of the coach putting together a roster for the season.  We will have a starting line up this Thursday evening.  But substitutions will be limited until the end of the post season play.

We had practice today at the new field. Practice was good.  After stretching and warming up, the players took some batting practice.   And after batting practice, they took some fielding practice.  While the fielders, were in the field, the pitchers when to the bull pen to throw some. 

You have to learn the new stadium.  You have to learn where everything is, but most of all, you must learn the shortest distance between things that you need to get.  The more steps you can save the less worn out you will be. 

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